

 教職員 各位
*English version follows Japanese

2021年4月1日以降の本学または本学教職員が主催するイベントおよび本学を会場とする本学以外の団体等が主催するイベントの制限を以下のとおりといたします。 なお、イベントの開催にあたっては、引き続き以下の「イベント開催にあたっての条件・留意点」を遵守いただき、十分な安全対策を講じていただくようお願いいたします。

主な変更点 ・高齢の方等の参加が見込まれるイベントは、感染防止策を徹底することで可とします。


  • 飲食を伴う懇親会等


  1. 感染した場合の重症化リスクが高いと言われる持病・既往歴等をお持ちの方、高齢 の方の参加が見込まれる場合は、感染防止策の徹底に努めてください
  2. 参加者同士の距離を十分に確保できる環境を整え、三密を回避すること。
  3. 参加者の健康状態を確認し、発熱、咳、味覚・嗅覚異常などの新型コロナウイルス 感染症の症状がある人は参加させないこと。
  4. 屋内イベントを実施する場合の収容定員は、本学教職員が主催するもの、および、 本学を会場とする本学以外の団体等が主催するもの、ともにイベント実施会場の収 容定員に対し、2分の1以下とする。
  5. イベント中の食事は原則禁止。ただし、運営上やむを得ず食事が必要な場合は、各自に配付される弁当等をできるだけ会話を避け、短時間で食べること。なお、飲料は可とする。また、片付けの際は感染予防を徹底すること。
  6. オンライン形式に切り替えが可能なイベントは、引き続き極力オンライン形式で実施する。


以 上


Restrictions for on-Campus Events After April 1, 2021

Dear Faculty and Staff,

Effective April 1, 2021, the new rules for holding on-campus events, including those organized by the University or Waseda faculty/staff as well as external parties, will be as noted below.

When holding an event, we request that the faculty/staff comply with these rules and take the necessary protective measures against Covid-19 infection.

Main changes from the prior rules:

  • For events where there is a possibility for people at high risk of serious illness from Covid-19 infection could attend, such as older adults, permission to hold such events will now be granted as long as thorough measures are taken to prevent infection.
  • For events organized by the University or the faculty/staff, the maximum number of participants who can attend will now be set to less than half of the maximum capacity of the venue.

The following event must continue to be canceled/postponed

  • Events that involve eating and drinking

The new rules for holding on-campus events:

  1. If there is a possibility for an event to be attended by people at high risk of serious illness from Covid-19 infection, such as those with chronic medical conditions or older adults, take thorough measures to prevent infection.
  2. Safely distance participants and avoid the 3Cs (closed spaces with poor ventilation; crowded places; and close-contact settings).
  3. Check for Covid-19 symptoms among participants. Do not allow people who show signs of Covid-19 infection, such as a fever or a loss of taste, to participate.
  4. For indoor on-campus events, including those organized by the University or the faculty/staff as well as external parties, the maximum number of participants who can attend needs to be set to less than half of the maximum capacity of the venue.
  5. In principle, no eating or drinking will be allowed during an event. However, if having meals become necessary, avoid conversations during meals and finish eating as quickly as possible. Drinking will be allowed. When cleaning up afterward, take thorough measures to prevent infection.
  6. If an event can be held online, hold virtual events as much as possible.

Depending on situations regarding the state of society, the government’s response policy, and Covid-19 infection, changes to the rules mentioned above may be made as appropriate.

Thank you for your continued cooperation.

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