School of Education早稲田大学 教育学部



講演会「Education and the Reverse Gender Gap in the Arabian Gulf」5/27


In the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council(GCC) girls’ educational achievements have rapidly outpaced those of boys. However, despite girls outperforming boys at every age and on every common assessment, including PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS governments across the region continue to focus on the education of girls. My talk will discuss why in the face of overwhelming evidence about the poor performance of boys not a single country in the region has a national policy or any large-scale programs to address this pressing issue. I will explore the role of international development organisations and universal goals such as the MDGs and the SDGs and how they have unintentionally, but unapologetically, created a blind spot in the gender and education discourse which obscures the needs of boys and men. I conclude by arguing that gender is not limited to women and girls and that in order for us to see sustained advances for women and girls we need to ensure that we have equally well-educated men and boys, not only in the GCC but globally.

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