

教職員 各位
*English version follows Japanese




  • 本学の箇所または本学教職員が主催するイベントおよび、本学を会場とする本学以外の団体等が主催するイベントを屋内で実施する場合、原則、実施会場の収容定員に対し3分の2以下とする。ただし、以下の感染対策を徹底することを条件に、イベントの特性、開催形態に応じて、定員の制限を行わず実施することを可とする。
  1. 体調管理、手洗い・手指消毒などの基本的な感染予防対策を徹底すること。
  2. 特段の事情がない限り不織布のマスクを着用すること。
  • 会食(立食形式以外)は、以下の感染対策を遵守することにより、可能とする。
  1. 会話のときは特段の事情がない限り、不織布マスクを着用する。
  2. 密を避け、食事の時間はできるだけ短時間となるように努める。
  3. 手指の消毒を徹底する。
  4. 自治体の認証を取得した飲食店を可能な限り利用し、飲食店が定めた感染予防ルールに従う。
  5. 主催者は参加者を把握するなど、感染者が発生した際に連絡可能な状態を整える。
  • 上記の会食(立食形式以外)については、今後感染が再拡大した場合は、再度制限を行うことを検討する。

以 上

Restrictions for On-Campus Events After September 21, 2022
(Easing of restrictions on dining)

Dear Faculty, Staff, and Researchers,

As the number of new Covid-19 cases in Tokyo has been decreasing the past consecutive 6 weeks, and the spread of the virus is being controlled within the university, there will be an easing up on the restrictions regarding dining during events on campus, as specified below. The university will allow dining, such as having food and drinks while conversing with a few number of people, at events. However, buffet-style meals (where participants stand up to help themselves to food, etc.) are not allowed.

Please continue to take thorough measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 as the risk of infection increases during meal times.

The rules and considerations when holding events:

  • Indoor, on-campus events organized by the University, faculty/staff, or outsideorganizations using the University as an event venue, must not have participants exceed 2/3 of the venue’s maximum capacity. However, if the following precautions are strictly adhered to, depending on the nature and style of the event, it is possible to hold the event without restriction on the number of participants.
  1. Thorough infection prevention measures, such as temperature checks, handwashing, and hand-sanitization
  2. The use of nonwoven fabric masks by all participants (unless in exceptional circumstances)
  • Dining during events (excluding buffet-style meals, etc.) is allowed if the following infection prevention measures are strictly adhered to:
  1. The use of nonwoven fabric masks during conversations, unless in exceptional circumstances
  2. Avoid crowded spaces and keep meal times as short as possible
  3. Thorough hand sanitization
  4. Use restaurants that have been certified by the municipalities as taking Covid-19 preventive measures whenever possible, and follow the infection prevention measures set by the restaurant
  5. Event organizers should keep a record of all participants so that they can be contacted in the case of an infection
  • If the spread of Covid-19 increases again, the above rules on dining (excluding buffet-style meals, etc.) will be re-evaluated and restrictions might be re-imposed.
An example of how gatherings involving meals should be done on campus grounds:
•Dining time should be kept separated from conversation/socialization time
•Masks should be worn during conversation/socialization time
•Avoid pouring drinks for one another
•Do your best to avoid spreading your droplets when eating and drinking
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WASEDA University





