Student Affairs Section早稲田大学 学生生活課


課外活動の段階的な再開について(第3報)/Phased resumption of extracurricular activities (Oct. 5, 2020)

*English version follows Japanese














→ サークル単体だけではなく、複数サークルと合同で行うことを認めます。


→ 大会主催者に関する制限を緩和し、事前に大学の承認を得ることで、法人格を持たない団体が主催する大会についても参加を認めます。大会の参加に当たっては、上記9月14日(月)付通知の内容を厳守し、活動日の14日前までに必ず「(大会・イベント等参加用)合宿・遠征届」を学生生活課に提出する等の所定の手続きを行ってください。


→ 事前に大学の承認を得たもののみ、10月10日(土)以降の開催を認めます。開催に当たっては下記「2.イベント・公演等の主催・共催に関する手続き・注意事項について」のルール、注意事項を遵守してください。







① 上記(1)②に示した大会等で実施される懇親会、打ち上げ等、また、サークルやサークル会員の自主的な集まり等による飲み会やコンパや打ち上げ等の実施は、12月末日まで固く禁止します。大会やイベント等への参加や開催は認めますが、それに伴う懇親会、打ち上げ、コンパ等への参加や実施は一切行えません。

② 事前に承認を得た大会への参加、イベント・公演等の開催に関する場合を除き、サークル合宿や宿泊を伴う遠征は、12月末日まで実施できません。

③ 事業者向けの「東京都感染拡大防止ガイドライン」(東京都)、「新型コロナウイルス感染症を乗り越えるためのロードマップ」(東京都)、事業者向け「東京都感染拡大防止ガイドブック」イベント編(東京都)、「業種別ガイドライン」(文部科学省)等を参照し、活動の内容を踏まえて、適切な感染予防策の実施を徹底してください。

④ 学内活動については、大学の定める施設利用などのルール・ガイドラインを遵守してください。

⑤ 参加者は活動の内容や感染予防対策を事前に保証人に説明し、許諾を得てください。

⑥ 感染者が発生した際に濃厚接触者の特定を速やかに行うため、活動日ごとに代表者は参加者の一覧を作成し、参加者は各自の使用施設・移動ルート・接触者等の情報を記録してください。


⑦ 課外活動への参加の有無は各自の意志を尊重し、下級生等に対して参加を強要することは絶対にやめてください。




① 開催日の1か月前までに「イベント・公演等開催における事前申請書 」を学生生活課に提出してください。(10月に実施予定のイベント・公演等について、資料がまとまり次第、速やかに提出してください。)

② 上記(2)③、④に掲げた行政機関や本学のガイドライン等を遵守し、感染予防策を明記の上、参加者全員に徹底させてください。

③ サークル関係者や来場者の健康状態の確認を行い、37.5度以上の発熱がある等、通常の健康状態でない症状がある方を、参加させないようにしてください。

④ クラスター発生時の対応のため、主催者の責任の下、来場者全員の緊急連絡先(氏名、メールアドレス、携帯番号等)を収集してください。イベント・公演等実施後の1か月間、当該緊急連絡先を厳重に保管した上で、陽性者等が発生しなかった場合は速やかに廃棄してください。また、参加者には事前に個人情報収集について説明し、理解を得るようにしてください。

⑤ イベント・公演等の準備期間、当日あるいは開催後に、感染や感染の疑いがある事象が発生した場合は、すみやかに学生生活課に連絡し、当該イベント・公演等の中止・延期、今後の対応等を含め相談してください。

⑥ イベント・公演等の実施にあたり、やむを得ず宿泊が必要な場合、事前に大学の承認を得たものに限り宿泊を認めます。原則2週間前までに、所定の申請書「大会・イベント等への参加等に伴う宿泊申請書」を学生生活課に提出し、承認を得てください。なお、申請書に記載されている基準を満たさない場合、宿泊は認められません。






以 上



以 上


October 5, 2020
Dean of Student Affairs


Phased resumption of extracurricular activities (Oct. 5, 2020)


Dear Students,


From October 10, 2020, the following restrictions will be further relaxed. Please comply with the rules set by the Student Affairs Section, such as taking measures to prevent infection, while participating in extracurricular activities. When you enter the campus or when your hands touch your mouth or nose while eating, etc., wash your hands and fingers or sanitize them thoroughly. In principle, make sure to take standard protective measures on campus, such as wearing a mask.


Note: Documents marked with (*) are available in Japanese only. If you have any questions or need additional information in English, please contact the Student Affairs Section ([email protected]).


1. Relaxation of restrictions on extracurricular activities


(1) In addition to the revised ① and ②, which were originally stated in the announcement “Policy on the phased resumption on extracurricular activities from the fall semester and onwards” sent out on September 14, 2020, ③ will also be permitted.


①Practicing for extracurricular activity as of August 2, 2020

→ Student clubs will be allowed to hold joint practices.

②Participating in competitions, etc. as of September 25, 2020

→ We will relax restrictions on event organizers. By receiving prior approval from the University, student clubs may also participate in events organized by organizations without a corporate capacity, which was not allowed previously. To participate in competitions, strictly comply with the specified rules in the announcement above sent out on September 14, 2020 and make necessary arrangements, such as submitting the “Training camp/excursion approval form (Gasshuku-Ensei Todoke)*” to the Student Affairs Section at least 14 days before the event.

③Holding events/performances, etc. organized/co-organized by student clubs

→ Only those student clubs that receive prior approval from the University will be allowed to hold events/performances from October 10, 2020 and after. When holding events/performances, etc., strictly comply with the rules and precautions mentioned below in “2. Procedures and precautions related to organizing/co-organizing events/performances, etc.”

The application documents differ according to the activity type. Please check the list of application documents at the following URL and submit the necessary documents by the due date.




(2) Even from October 10, 2020 and after, please continue to comply with the following items below.


① When participating in competitions, etc. mentioned above in (1) ②, you are strictly prohibited from participating in/organizing any social gatherings, including mixers, etc. held at the competition, etc. as well as those organized (both formally and informally) by student clubs/student club members until the end of December 2020. You will be allowed to participate in the competition and events, etc., but do not participate in any social gatherings accompanying the competition and events, etc

② Aside from pre-approved participation of competitions and organization of events/performances, etc., student clubs will not be allowed to participate or organize events that require overnight stays until the end of December 2020.

③ Depending on the activity, refer to appropriate guidelines, such as the ones below (in Japanese only), and implement thorough and appropriate protective measures. 事業者向けの「東京都感染拡大防止ガイドライン」(東京都)、「新型コロナウイルス感染症を乗り越えるためのロードマップ」(東京都)、事業者向け「東京都感染拡大防止ガイドブック」イベント編(東京都)、「業種別ガイドライン」(文部科学省), etc.

④ Comply with the rules and guidelines set by the University, such as rules for using campus facilities, when participating in extracurricular activities on campus.

⑤ When participating in extracurricular activities, participants must explain the nature of the activity and implemented protective measures to their guardians and receive prior approval from them.

⑥ To promptly identify those who came in close contact if an infection occurs on campus, a student club representative must create a list of participants per activity day. The participants of the activity must keep a record of information such as which facilities they used, which route they took, who they came in contact with, etc.


⑦ The will of each club member to participate in an extracurricular activity or not must be respected across all levels, regardless of seniority. Participation is to be made optional and not mandatory for everyone.


2. Procedures and precautions related to organizing/co-organizing events/performances, etc.

When student clubs, etc. are organizing/co-organizing an event for both on and off campus, please comply with the following rules and precautions. If a COVID-19 cluster, etc. occurs at an event/performance, etc., the organizer will be held responsible. When organizing events/performances, exercise extreme caution and make careful preparations.

① Submit the “Pre-Application to Hold Events/Performances, etc.*” to the Student Affairs Section at least a month before the date of the event/performance, etc. For events/performances, etc. planned for October, promptly submit the form as soon as all the required documents are ready.

② Comply with the guidelines, etc. set by administrative agencies and the University mentioned above in (2)③, and ensure that all participants will cooperate with the specified protective measures.

③ Check the physical condition of student club members and other related individuals. If anyone shows any symptoms of illness, such as having a temperature above 37.5°C, do not let them participate.

④ To respond in case a COVID-19 cluster occurs, collect emergency contact information (name, e-mail address, cell phone number, etc.) of all visitors. The organizers will be held accountable for collecting the emergency contact information of the visitors and keeping them secure on file for a month after the event. If no COVID-19 cases, etc. related to the event/performance are reported, promptly discard the emergency contact information. Also, organizers of the event/performance are responsible for explaining beforehand to visitors why their personal information is being collected and asking for their cooperation.

⑤ If a COVID-19 infection is confirmed or suspected while preparing for, during, and after an event/performance, etc., contact the Student Affairs Section immediately and consult us on whether to cancel or postpone the event/performance, the future course of action, etc.

⑥ If an overnight stay is inevitable to hold an event/performance, etc., we will only permit overnight stays pre-approved by the University. In principle, submit the “Application Form for Approval of Overnight Stay for Participating in Competition (Shukuhaku-kyoka Shinseisho)*” two weeks in advance to the Student Affairs Section to receive approval. The Student Affairs Section will not approve overnight stays if the criteria stated in the application cannot be met.


3. Revision of the guidelines for using extracurricular activity-related facilities

To prevent infection from spreading when preparing for an event/performance, the guidelines for using extracurricular activity-related facilities have been revised. Please read the following to learn more about facility use, such as how to enter and leave the Student Center as well as how to use student club rooms and practice rooms, and comply with the guidelines.

Guidelines on using campus and Student Center facilities (Ver. 3, effective as of October 5, 2020)

Note: The English version will be available soon.

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