10/26以降 イベント制限緩和について


Relaxation of restrictions on events after October 26, 2020

 教職員 各位
*English version follows Japanese



  • 飲食を伴う懇親会等
  • 感染した場合の重症化リスクが高いと言われる高齢の方の参加が多く見込まれるもの


  • 参加者同士の距離を十分に確保できる環境(できるだけ2メートル)を整え、三密を回避すること。
  • 参加者の健康状態を確認し、発熱、咳、味覚・嗅覚異常などの新型コロナウイルス感染症の症状がある人は参加させないこと。
  • 屋内イベントを実施する場合の収容定員は、イベント実施会場の収容定員に対し、次のとおりとする。
    ・ 本学または本学教職員が主催するイベント:4分の1以下(本学関係者の参加が多く見込まれ、感染者が発生した場合、授業や研究活動等、大学運営への影響が懸念されるため)
  • ゼミ合宿等について
  • 対面会議や来訪者との会合、その他イベントにおける飲食について
  • オンライン形式に切り替えが可能なイベントは、引き続き極力オンライン形式で実施する。


以 上


Relaxation of restrictions on events after October 26, 2020

Dear  Faculty, and Staff,

Starting October 26, 2020, Waseda University will ease some restrictions on events organized by the University or the University’s faculty/staff as well as events that take place at Waseda but are organized by external organizations. The restrictions are being relaxed given the changes made in alert levels set per category of the Guidelines for the Restriction of Activities.

Further, please make sure to meet the following requirements for organizing an event and take the necessary precautions for protecting yourself and those around you. Please see below for details. Thank you for your understanding and continued cooperation.

Events which must remain canceled or postponed

  • Social gatherings that involve eating/drinking
  • Events where many elderly people, who are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19, may attend

Requirements and precautions for organizing an event

  • Distance participants (2 meters apart as much as possible) and avoid the 3Cs (closed spaces, crowded places, and close-contact settings).
  • Check the health conditions of participants. Do not let anyone who show symptoms of COVID-19, such as a fever, coughing, or loss of smell and taste, etc., participate in the event.
  • When organizing an indoor event, the capacity of the event must be set to the following:
    ・Events organized by the University or University faculty/staff: Less than a quarter (one-fourth) of the maximum capacity of the event venue (This is to avoid serious risks in university operations, such as classes or research activities, in case many university personnel attend the event and an infection occurs)
    ・Events at Waseda organized by external organizations: Less than half the maximum capacity of the event venue
  • Zemi-gasshuku (i.e. training camps), etc.
    The concerned offices and the Academic Affairs Division are to check and determine if the activities are necessary based on the document “Information to note when holding outside classroom activities in Fall 2020 semester” (see reference section).
  • Eating/Drinking at in-person conferences, meetings with visitors, and other events
    Avoid eating during the conference/meeting/event. If a meal is to be provided, avoid conversations while eating and finish your meal as quickly as possible. You may drink during the conference/meeting/event. Make sure to be thorough with protective measures (such as disinfection) when cleaning up afterwards.
  • If the event can be organized online, please continue to organize virtual events as much as possible.
    Depending on the changes in the state of society and the government’s response policy, as well as the situation of the COVID-19 infection, changes in the operations at the University may be made as appropriate.
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