Institute of Comparative Law早稲田大学 比較法研究所



【出版情報】比較法研究所研究所員 須網隆夫教授(編著)『Global Constitutionalism from European and East Asian Perspectives』(Cambridge University Press, 2018)が出版されました

比較法研究所研究所員 須網隆夫教授(編著)『Global Constitutionalism from European and East Asian Perspectives』(Cambridge University Press, 2018)が出版されました。

Edited by Takao Suami, Waseda University, Japan , Anne Peters, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Germany , Dimitri Vanoverbeke, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium , Mattias Kumm, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Global Constitutionalism argues that parts of international law can be understood as being grounded in the rule of law and human rights, and insists that international law can and should be interpreted and progressively developed in the direction of greater respect for and realization of those principles. Global Constitutionalism has been discussed primarily by European scholars. Yet without the engagement of scholars from other parts of the world, the universalist claims underlying Global Constitutionalism ring hollow. This is particularly true with regard to East Asia, where nearly half the world’s population and a growing share of global economic and military capacities are located. Are East Asian perspectives on Global Constitutionalism similar to European perspectives? Against the background of current power shifts in international law, this book constitutes the first cross-cultural work on various facets of Global Constitutionalism and elaborates a more nuanced concept that fits our times.


【出版社】 Cambridge University Press

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