Comprehensive Research Organization早稲田大学 総合研究機構


Institute of Value Creation Management










・Intelligent Circular Manufacturing research and educational collaboration with India and Japan


・阿部誠也,上田雅夫,大野高裕,プライベート・ブランド購買パターンがストア・ロイヤルティに与える影響,第60回日本経営システム学会全国研究発表大会講演論文集, (2018)
・市田和弥,川中孝章,大野高裕,ドロシーレーンの法則に基づく商品値引モデルの構築,第60回日本経営システム学会全国研究発表大会講演論文集, (2018)
・杉浦裕文,川中孝章,大野高裕,顧客ロイヤルティ要因が商品推奨行動に与える影響,第60回日本経営システム学会全国研究発表大会講演論文集, (2018)
・原友美,川中孝章,大野高裕,顧客セグメントに基づくサービス利用形態の分析,第60回日本経営システム学会全国研究発表大会講演論文集, (2018)
・Shunichi Ohmori , Masao Ueda, Kazuho Yoshimoto, A Shopping-path Length Estimation Using Markov-chain-based Shopper Dynamics Model, Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol.12 No.2, (2018)
・Shunichi Ohmori , Masao Ueda, Kazuho Yoshimoto, The Influence of Shopping Path Length on Sales Growth and Its Variance, Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol.12 No.2, (2018)

・高野浩充,梶原千里,野口愛矢子,福島毅,棟近雅彦,複数の使用状況を考慮した食品包装の設計指針に関する研究,日本品質管理学会第119回研究発表会要旨集, (2018)
・Asako WATANABE, Masahiko MUNECHIKA, Chisato KAJIHARA, How package designs reflect the impression of the product concept, Total Quality Science Vol.3, No.2, (2018)
・Chisato KAJIHARA, Mitsuki KURONUMA, Masahiko MUNECHIKA, A Study on a Method to Improve the Package Design of a Plastic Bottle Drink, International Journal of Japan Association for Management Systems, Vol.10 No.1, (2018)
・Chisato Kajihara, Masakazu Denda, Masahiko Munechika, Masataka Sano, Masaaki Kaneko, Haiz he Jin, Communicating Benefits of Speech Recognition Systems for Car Navigation, 21th QMOD Conference, (2018)
・Masahiko Munechika, Koki Sakairi, Chisato Kajihara , Masataka Sano, Masaaki Kaneko, Haizhe Jin, A Study on the Visualization of Kansei Differences Between Users and Designers, 21th QMOD Conference, (2018)
・Chisato Kajihara, Masakazu Denda, Masahiko Munechika, Masataka Sano, Masaaki Kaneko, Haiz he Jin, Communicating Benefits of Speech Recognition Systems for Car Navigation, 21th QMOD Conference, (2018)
・幼児教育と創造性―「創造的知財教育」の観点から, 早稲田大学, 人文社会科学研究, (2018)
・光國光七郎,大規模民間企業における経営管理と心根(こころね)の事例研究,東洋哲学研究所紀要,Vol.34, (2018)
・光國光七郎,ビジネスで平和・幸福を追求,グローバルリーダカレッジ,創価大学, (2018)
・光國光七郎,製造・流通事業における在庫目標設定5つの経営指標,理会計学会, (2018)
齋藤哲,光國光七郎,業務プロセスの分解における情報連携表記方法の比較実験,電気学会平成30年度C部門大会, (2018)
・T. Saito,K. Mitsukuni, Comparative Study of Description Methods for Visualization of Business Process Decomposition, 12th International Conference on Project Management, (2018)
・Qian Huang, Jiahua Weng, Weihao Li and Hisashi Onari, Global Production Planning Considering Marine Transportation Factors, 日本経営工学会論文誌,Vol. 69, No. 2E, (2018)
・Qian Huang, Jiahua Weng, Shunichi Ohmori, Kazuho Yoshimoto, An integrated approach to the routing problem in global production planning, Proceedings the 23rd Asia-Pacific Decision Science Institute International Conference (APDSI 2018) , (2018)
・Kingen Ikeda, Qian Huang, Jiahua Weng, Hisashi Onari, Shipping cost estimation method for integrated annual sales and production planning, Proceedings the 23rd Asia-Pacific Decision Science Institute International Conference (APDSI 2018) , (2018)
・Sidi WU, Seung-Jin RYU, Jiahua Weng, A Study on Collaborative Negotiation with Regret Consideration for High-Tech Components Procurement, The 6th International Workshop on Production and Logistics, 日本経営工学会, (2018)
・Fang LI, Jiahua Weng, Prediction of demand of an apparel factory based on fashion similarity with neutral network, The 6th International Workshop on Production and Logistics, 日本経営工学会, (2018)
・Alex J Ruiz Torres, Farzad Mahmoodi, Shunichi Ohmori, Joint Determination of Supplier Capacity and Returner Incentives in A Closed-Loop Supply Chain, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 215, pp. 1351-1361, (2018)
・Kazuhiro Sugai, Shunichi Ohmori, Kazuho Yoshimoto, Home delivery and pickup service using public transportation systems, Proceedings on APIEMS, (2018)
・Koji Okanoya, Shunichi Ohmori, Kazuho Yoshimoto, Vehicle routing problem with stochastic demand and time window, Proceedings on APIEMS, (2018)
・Fangying Ren, Shunichi Ohmori, Kazuho Yoshimoto, Study on Ship Routing and Scheduling Problem for International Chemical Tankers, Proceedings on APIEMS, (2018)
・Shunichi Ohmori, Kazuho Yoshimoto, A data-driven approach for the strategic safety-stock placement, Proceedings on APIEMS, (2018)
・Kazuki Ishichi, Shunichi Ohmori, Masao Ueda, Kazuho Yoshimoto, Shelf-space Allocation Model with Demand Learning, Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol.12 No.1, pp. 24-40, (2018)
・Kosei Shimizu, Shunichi Ohmori, Kazuho Yoshimoto, The Agent Based Simulation of Purchase and shopping path at Supermarket, Proceedings on APIEMS, (2018)
・Genshin Ninomiya, Shunichi Ohmori, Kazuho Yoshimoto, A Study of optimal product categories allocation in a supermarket, Proceedings on APIEMS, (2018)
・Shunichi Ohmori, Kazuho Yoshimoto, The forward-reserve allocation problem in warehouse order picking considering the family-grouping, Proceedings on APIEMS, (2018)

・K. Shigematsu, Y. Yamazaki, S. Kato, F. Kojima, S. Takata, Process-independent workstation layout for lean automation, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology Vol. 67, (2018)
・山崎 康彦,重松 研太,翁 嘉華,小島 史夫,髙田 祥三,リーンオートメーションのためのマテリアルハンドリングシステム設計法,日本機械学会論文集,Vol.84, No.862, (2018)
・久保木宣喬,長谷美優,髙田祥三,予防保全のためのモニタリング機器の導入を考慮した点検方式決定法,平成30年度日本設備管理学会春季研究発表大会論文集, (2018)
・末政智也,髙田祥三,機器リユースを考慮した自動化生産ラインのマテリアルハンドリングシステム設計法,2018年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会講演論文集, (2018)
・栗林拓也,髙田祥三,運転制御用センサからのデータに基づくメカトロニクス機器の故障兆候検知法,2018年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会講演論文集, (2018)
・髙田祥三,末益慧佑,中村昌弘,統合循環生産システムの評価プラットフォームとしてのライフサイクルシミュレーションシステムの開発,エコデザイン・プロダクツ&サービスシンポジウム2018, (2018)
・Shunichi OHMORI, Kazuho YOSHIMOTO, “A Sequence-pair based heuristic for Multi Floor Facility Layout Problem, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Vol.10, No.6, (2018)
・Jiahua Weng, Shota Mizoguchi, Shingo Akasaka, Hisashi Onari, Order-receiving planning by considering parts inventory for Engineer-to-order production, Proceedings the 23rd Asia-Pacific Decision Science Institute International Conference (APDSI 2018) , (2018)
・黄 茜,池田 欣元,翁 嘉華,グローバル生産ネットワークにおける各拠点の利益性を考慮した生産・販売計画,日本経営工学会春季大会,日本経営工学会春季大会Web予稿集, (2018)
・翁 嘉華,溝口 翔大,赤坂 信悟,生産座席を用いた個別受注生産方式の提案-部品活用方法についての一考察-,日本経営工学会春季大会,日本経営工学会春季大会Web予稿集, (2018)
・翁 嘉華,繋がる工場今野製作所の事例から中小企業の将来を考える,日本経営工学会春季大会,日本経営工学会春季大会Web予稿集, (2018)

2017年度 受託・寄付 他


・右橋俊毅,大野高裕,情報開示がオペレーショナル・アセット特化型 J-REITに与える影響,第58回日本経営システム学会全国研究発表大会講演論文集(2017)
・T.Migihashi, T. Ohno, Appropriate Disclosure of Risk Factors associated with Investments in Healthcare, International Journal of Japan Association for Management Systems(2017)

・M. Munechika, T. Nagata, C. Kajihara, M. Sano, M. Kaneko, H. Jin, A Study on the Method of Concept Realization in Factories, 20th QMOD Conference(2017)
・C.Kajihara, A.Watanabe, M. Munechika, M. Sano, M. Kaneko, H.Jin, A Study on the Method of Package Design Reflecting the Impression of the Product Concept, 20th QMOD Conference(2017)
・M. Denda, M. Munechika, C. Kajihara, A study on derivation of benefits of voice recognition systems for car navigation, 15th ANQ Congress(2017)
・K. SAKAIRI, M. MUNECHIKA , C. KAJIHARA, A study on effective utilization of kansei evaluation in product design, 15th ANQ Congress(2017)
・T. Saito, A. Shimoda, K. Mitsukuni, Comparative Study of Description Method for Business Process Visualization, 11th International Conference on Project Management (2017)
・J. Matsumura, Y. Dairokuno, S. Takata, Service Selection Method for Facilitating Life Cycle Options in Environmentally Benign Product and Service Business, The 23rd CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Procedia CIRP, Vol.48.(2016) 90-95.
・齊藤哲,光國光七郎,企業情報システム開発における機能の分解・統合と連携の表記方法に関する考察, 電気学会平成29年C部門大会(2017)

・J. Zhou, Q. Huang, J. Weng, H.Onari, An integrated sales and production model for firms with global production networks, Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute (2017)
・J.Weng,Q. Huang, Shingen Ikeda, J. Zhou, H.Onari,Importance of Transfer Price for Companies with Global Production Networks, Conference Proceedings of ACMSA (2017)
・翁嘉華,黄茜,海運による物流を考慮したグローバル生産計画に関する研究,日本生産管理学会第45回全国大会論文集 (2017)

・森 康晃,日独の比較を中心とする第4次産業革命(Industry4.0)の現状と分析-製造工程における「労働者による価値の創造」を志向するスマートマニュファクチュアリング技術の政策の現状と課題-,人文社会科学研究(2017)
・S. Wu, H. Onari, Risk Assessment of Production Capacity Investment in Growing Component Market, 24th International Conference on Production Research(2017)
・中山景央, 翁 嘉華,大成 尚,人手組立ラインの工程作業における時間延長の分析―白物家電の海外組立ラインを例として―,日本経営工学会論文誌(2017)
・翁嘉華,赤坂信悟,部品仕込製品受注生産における生産座席を用いた受注方法の提案,日本生産管理学会第45回全国大会論文集 (2017)
・Y. Yamazaki, K. Shigematsu, S. Kato, F. Kojima, O. Onari, S. Takata, Design method of material handling systems for lean automation—Integrating equipment for reducing wasted waiting time, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology Vol. 66, (2017)
・Y. Yamazaki, S. Takata, H. Onari, F. Kojima, S. Kato, Lean Automation System Responding to the Changing Market, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 57, Proc. of the 49th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, (2016)



・鈴木槙将,山下和也,高橋啓,本村陽一,大野髙裕,顧客関係管理における消費者行動の推定:PMCMCによる逐次推定,計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門 学術講演会 (2016)
・中村晃仁,棟近雅彦,梶原千里,朱 ニ太, デジタルサイネージによるブランドアイデンティティの伝達方法に関する研究(2016)

・C. Kajihara, M. Munechika, A Method for Improving usability Based on the Knowledge on High-performance Touch Panels, 日本経営工学会論文誌(2016)
・O. Noguchi, M. Munechika, C. Kajihara, A study on User Satisfaction with an Entire Operation Including Indefinite Length Response Time, Total Quality Science(2016)
・C. Kajihara, M. Munechika, Ta. Kai, Hamburger packages: Properties for improvement of product evaluation, Total Quality Science(2016)
・永田拓也,棟近雅彦,梶原千里,朱 ニ太,工場におけるコンセプトの実現方法に関する研究、JSQC第46回年次大会(2016) 
・S. Watanabe, M. Munechika,C. Kajihara, How package designs reflect the impression of the product concept, ANQ Congress(2016)
・T. Nagata, M. Munechika, C. Kajihara, Study on the Method of Concept Planning in Factories, ANQ Congress(2016)
・齊藤哲,戸田雅之,光國光七郎,企業業務処理システム開発における要求獲得に関する一考察, 電気学会平成28年C部門大会(2016)
・T. Saito, K. Mitsukuni, The Proposal of Stakeholder Requirement Utilizing G-RD in Business Process, Information Syste, 10th International Conference on Project Management (2016)
・大六野 優,髙田祥三,環境調和型PSS設計における顧客志向のサービスおよび提供方法の選択手法,2016年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会講演論文集(2016)
・S.Akasaka,J.Weng,H.Atsushi, H.Onari, Product Functional Structure Model for Engineer-to-Order Production: A Case Study on Drilling Machines, Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association 日本経営工学会論文誌(2016)
・S. Wu, H. Onari, A Study on Preconditions Setting of Long-Term Contract between Manufacturer and Component Supplier, Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation 6 (2016)
・S. Arunyanart,大森俊一,吉本一穂,GMS領域における輸出ルートオプションの選択:現状に関する提案,日本経営工学会論文誌(2016)
・河合 遼,髙田祥三,部品加工業におけるサプライチェーンリスクマネジメント—最適事後対処法とそれに必要な事前対策の決定手法2016年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会講演論文集(2016)

・S. Wu, H. Onari, RISK ASSESSMENT OF PRODUCTION CAPACITY INVESTMENT IN GROWING COMPONENT MARKET, 24th International Conference on Production Research(2016)
・Q. Huang, J. Weng, J. Zhou, H.Onari, Global Production and Sales Network Planning, Journal of Service Science and Management(2016)
・翁嘉華,赤坂信悟,部品仕込製品受注生産における部品所要量変動制御方法に関する研究,日本生産管理学会論文誌 (2016)
・Q. Huang, J. Weng, H.Onari, An Integrated Approach for Production and Distribution Planning Using A Two-level Routing Pattern in Global Production Networks, Proceedings of the 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference(2016)
・Q.Huang, J.Weng, H.Onari, An Integrated Approach for Capacity, Manufacturing and Sales Planning in Global Production Networks, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of Production and Operations Management Society(2016)
・J.Weng, S. Akasaka, R. Fukumura, H.Onari, A Production Seat System for Sales and Production Departments in Engineer-To-Order Firms, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of Production and Operations Management Society(2016)
・黄茜,翁嘉華,周佳鑫,大成尚,An Integrated Method of Deciding Production Capacity and Sales Scale in Global Production Networks,日本経営工学会春季大会予稿集(2016)
・H. Iijima, S. Takata, Condition based renewal and maintenance integrated planning, CIRP Annals -Manufacturing Technology, Vol.65/1(2016)


・H. Suzuki, M. Goto, T Ohno, A Model of Purchase Behavior under Price Uncertainty: A Real Options Approach, International Journal of Real Options and Strategy (2015)
・鈴木広人,後藤允,大野高裕,ペットボトル再生加工業におけるRVM 導入効果測定モデル,日本経営工学会論文誌(2015)
・田畑智章,生田目崇,大野髙裕, オンラインショップにおける購買支援システム : 消費者の購買に対する迷いの検出と解消, 日本経営システム学会誌(2015)
・鈴木広人,後藤允,大野高裕,A Model of Purchase Behavior under Price Uncertainty: A Real Options Approach,日本リアルオプション学会2015年研究発表大会(2015)

・H. Iijima, S. Takata, Module-based renewal planning of energy using products for reducing environmental load and life cycle cost, The 22nd CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Procedia CIRP, Vol.29(2015)
・J. Weng, S. Akasaka, H. Atsushi, H. Onari, A Study on Value Setting of Product Functional Specifications with Consideration of Parts and Inventory Costs for Engineer-to-Order Production, Asian J. Management Science and Applications (2015)
・S. Akasaka, J. Weng, H. Atsushi, H. Onari, Product Functional Structure Model for Engineer-to-Order Production: A Case Study on Drilling Machines, 日本経営工学会論文誌(2015)
・T. Saito, K. Mitsukuni, A Case Study of Application of G-RD to Business Integration after M&A, Proc. of APDSI2014 (2015)
・Y. Dairokuno, J. Matsumura, S. Takata, A method for selecting customer-oriented service and delivery modes in designing environmentally benign product service systems, Proc. of the 9th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing(2015)
・Y. Dairokuno, J. Matsumura, S. Takata, A method for selecting customer-oriented service and delivery modes in designing environmentally benign product service systems, Proc. of the 9th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing(2015)
・O. Noguchi, M. Munechika and C. Kajihara, A Study on Satisfaction of an Entire Operation Considering Response Time, 13th ANQ Congress(2015)
・T. Kai, M. Munechika and C. Kajihara, Hamburger Packages: Properties for Improvement of Product Evaluation, 13th ANQ Congress(2015)

・S. Arunyanart, S. Ohmori, K. Yoshimoto, Pairwise Comparison for Weight Restriction in DEA/ARI, International journal of the Japan Association for Management Systems (2015)
・S. Arunyanart, S. Ohmori, K. Yoshimoto, Selection of Export Route Option in GMS Region: Recommendation for Current Situation, 日本経営工学会論文誌 (2015)
・S. Ohmori, S. Arunyanart, K. Yoshimoto, A Robust Optimization for Multi-Period Lost-Sales Inventory Problem, Proceedings on 17th International Conference on Operations Research and Financial Engineering (2015)
・E. Yamaguchi, S. Ohmori, K. Yoshimoto, Developing a Simulation Tool for Production Planning with Capacity-Booking at Specialty Store Retailer of Private Label Apparel Firms, Proceedings on 17th International Conference on Operations Research and Financial Engineering (2015)
・S. Saito, S. Ohmori, K. Yoshimoto, A Proposal of Personnel Evaluation Method Including a Two-Way Assessment for Evaluating Evaluators and Employees, Proceedings on 17th International Conference on Operations Research and Financial Engineering (2015)
・S. Wu, H. Onari, Preconditions Setting of Supply Chain Contract between Manufacturer and Component Supplier, Proceeding of the International Conference for Production Research(2015)
・S. Wu, H. Onari, Strategies on Supply and Procurement of Key Components under the Product Market in Fast-Growing Stage, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Production and Logistics (2015)
・S. Wu, H. Onari, Preconditions Setting of Supply Chain Contract between Manufacturer and Component Supplier, Proceeding of the International Conference for Production Research (2015).
・S. Ohmori, K. Yoshimoto, An Optimal Inventory Replenishment Considering Product Life Cycle, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2015 (2015)

・S. Wu, H. Onari, A Study on Preconditions Setting of Long-Term Contract between Manufacturer and Component Supplier, Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation(2015)
・S. Akasaka, J. Weng, H. Atsushi, H. Onari, Product Functional Structure Model for Engineer-to-Order Production: A Case Study on Drilling Machines, 日本経営工学会論文誌(2015)
・H. Onari, A study on Production planning for Manufacturing Firms with Global Production Networks, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute (2015)
・J. Weng, S. Akasaka, H. Onari, Parts Supply Control Method for Production Seat System of ETO firms with MTS Parts, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Production and Logistics (2015)
・S. Wu, Hisashi Onari, Profit Analysis on Different Supply Chain Channel Structures, Proceeding of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Society (2015)
・Kagehisa Nakayama, Hisashi Onari, A Study on Process Operation Time Analysis in Manual Assembly Line, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Production and Logistics (2015)
・Q. Huang, J. Weng, H. Onari, A study on Production planning for Manufacturing Firms with Global Production Networks, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute(2015)
・J. Weng, S. Akasaka, H. Onari, Parts Inventory Decreasing Methods for Engineer-to-Order Production, Conference Proceedings of Asian Conference of Management Science & Applications (2015)
・J. Weng, S. Akasaka, H. Onari, Parts Supply Control Method for Production Seat System of ETO firms with MTS Parts, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Production and Logistics (2015)
・Kagehisa Nakayama, Hisashi Onari, A Study on Process Operation Time Analysis in Manual Assembly Line, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Production and Logistics (2015)
・S. Wu, Hisashi Onari, Strategies on Supply and Procurement of Key Components under the Product Market in Fast-Growing Stage, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Production and Logistics (2015)


高田 祥三[たかた しょうぞう](理工学術院教授)


高田 祥三(創造理工学部教授)
大野 高裕(創造理工学部教授)
棟近 雅彦(創造理工学部教授)
森 康晃(創造理工学部教授)
吉本 一穂(創造理工学部教授)
縣 公一郎(政治経済学部教授)
齊藤 絵理子(研究戦略センター准教授(任期付))
光國 光七郎(大学院創造理工学研究科特任教授)
藁谷 友紀(教育学部教授)

高田 真也 (客員次席研究員(研究院客員講師))

國光 健一(デトロイトトーマツファイナンシャルアドバイザリー合同会社 パートナー)
塩沢 史(株式会社野村総合研究所 産業システム事業三部 上級システムエンジニア)
牧野 恵美(広島大学学術院准教授)
翁 嘉華(神奈川大学工学部経営工学科准教授)
瀬川 明秀(株式会社シグマクシスプリンシパル・コンサルタント)

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