Waseda Institute for Advanced Study (WIAS)早稲田大学 高等研究所



高等研究所 訪問研究員 セミナー: “Methods in the science of subjectivity” (1/15)

高等研究所 訪問研究員 セミナー:
“Methods in the science of subjectivity” (1/15)

講演者 / Speaker

SACKUR, Jérôme (Professor, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales)

日 時 / Date & Time

2020年1月15日(水) 13:00~14:00

会 場 / Venue

早稲田大学 西早稲田キャンパス 59号館 4階 407教室

主 旨 / Outline

“Methods in the science of subjectivity”

If subjectivity is to be studied by scientific means, one needs to set up a series of specific methods. I will present the main challenges and solutions in this area. I shall focus on three aspects: a/ First, I will present the methods for metacognition. Metacognition, or cognition about cognition, emerged as a field in educational psychology in the 1990s, but is now a major topic in decision making and consciousness science. An impressive amount of work has been devoted to the question of confidence, that is the degree of uncertainty that one has with respect to one’s decisions. As a result, mathematical and psychophysical models of metacognition have been developed (the meta-d’ model of Maniscalco and Lau for instance) and a sound understanding of them is essential as they are the best example of what a formal approach to subjectivity should be. b/ However, metacognition in the form of confidence judgments does not exhaust in any way the domain of subjective reports. I will present other forms of quantitative subjective judgments (visibility reports and self-observation judgments notably), their aim and scope. c/ At last, I will discuss the use of verbal reports. Free verbal reports are as old as scientific psychology itself, but I shall argue that recent advances in natural language processing (NLP) and data science transforms the use of verbal reports and protocol analysis. The examination of the three main methodologies shall be based on published studies by my team and others’.

言 語 / Language


対 象 / Prospected Audience


主 催 / Organizer

早稲田大学 理工学術院 渡邊克巳 研究室

早稲田大学 高等研究所

申込み / Registration


  • 0115



早稲田大学 西早稲田キャンパス 59号館 4階 407教室

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