Waseda Institute for Advanced Study (WIAS)早稲田大学 高等研究所



Waseda Organizational and Financial Economics Seminar: “Organization of Value Creation and Work in the Japanese Wind Power Industry: Outline of a Study of Organizational Diversity in Face of Institutional Change” (10/23)

Waseda Organizational and Financial Economics Seminar:
“Organization of Value Creation and Work in the Japanese Wind Power Industry :
Outline of a Study of Organizational Diversity in Face of Institutional Change” (10/23)

講演者 / Speaker

NICKLICH, Manuel(Research Associate, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)

日 時 / Date & Time


会 場 / Venue

早稲田大学 早稲田キャンパス 11号館 11階 1111教室PDFファイルを開きます

主 旨 / Outline

“Organization of Value Creation and Work in the Japanese Wind Power Industry : Outline of a Study of Organizational Diversity in Face of Institutional Change”

The Fukushima disaster of 2011 has changed the perspective on renewable energies, not least in Japan. Although the production of renewable energies has since then continuously increased in that country, too, Fukushima seems to have had a greater impact on other countries such as Germany, for example. Given the insight that emerging fields often form and change around particular events that create opportunities, we see institutional change in the field of Japanese energy production taking place. In particular, we are interested to learn about the scope, pace and trajectory of this change, how it is brought about, and whether this will result in more organizational diversity. Preliminary results show that there has been a rather endogenous change within the field of the Japanese energy sector, which was first and foremost initiated and managed by the incumbents of the field, thereby trying to preserve their position. This, however, might explain that change within the Japanese energy sector is most likely to remain incremental rather than transformative, also with regard to the organization of value creation and work.

プログラム / Schedule

13:00 開会の挨拶(宮島 英昭 早稲田大学 高等研究所長 / 商学学術院 教授)
13:05 講演
14:05 質疑応答
14:25 閉会の挨拶(宮島 英昭)

対 象 / Prospected Audience

学部生・大学院生・研究者・教職員 等

主 催 / Organizer

早稲田大学 産業経営研究所
早稲田大学 高等研究所

申込み / Registration


  • 1023



早稲田大学 早稲田キャンパス 11号館 11階 1111教室

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