Waseda Weekly早稲田ウィークリー



物語の刃(Narrative’s Blade)

(Following the Japanese translation, the original English text is posted.)






People in the USA told me they were jealous I got to see “鬼滅の刃 無限列車” with my 8-year-old son a few weeks back. I don’t think they cared about the film itself, as most understand the preposterous story or its industrious, inventive heroes even less than I do. But after many months of a COVID-19 pandemic that has been worsened by poor public health decisions and bitter political fights, many just wanted to feel normal by going to a cinema, something that seems extremely risky given the high rates of infection there. I told them, truthfully, that I enjoyed going with my son and was grateful for the opportunity, but was startled and a bit unnerved by the film’s lurid violence and the plot’s sentimental sadness, which seemed to leave most of the filmgoers, my son included, deeply moved,  inspired and optimistic.

Research has shown that humans communicate and even think in stories, and that narrative shapes the way we understand and interpret the world around us. And it is partly because of a filmmakers’ (or novelists’) canny understanding of audience expectations and hopes that they can create a satisfying experience for an audience. One challenge for everyone, including Waseda students, during the COVID-19 pandemic has been an inability to understand the story we’re in, and how it is supposed to end. “With a vaccine-led triumph?” “With a slow shift back to normal?” We hear the uncertainty about the plot even among political leaders, who insist that we will handle the pandemic successfully, but with little clarity on what precisely we are heading toward, or indeed how we will know when we arrive.

This is, of course, a challenge for researchers, as we do not even understand the economic, cultural, or academic environment into which our current work will arrive when completed and, we hope, published. For an American like myself living in Japan, I’ve been startled and a bit unnerved by the lurid violence of the pandemic sweeping my home country, as well as by my own sentimental sadness about it. And I suspect that some of the most important discoveries about society during the pandemic will involve questions about how people like Waseda’s industrious, inventive students can complete this as-yet-unfinished story with the inspired optimism that they deserve.




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