Institute for Advanced Social SciencesWaseda University


Empirical Studies of Changes in Political Competitions among Voters


Ideological conflicts in postwar Japanese politics were formed on security and constitutional issues. While newer issues such as welfare and new liberalism later appeared and some of them were incorporated into ideology, even after the Cold War and the 1955 regime end, the party competitions in Japan have been still over the security and constitutions.

In this research project, we reexamine changes and continuities in political competitions among voters. Recent studies revealed that citizens’ perceptions of party competitions are different among younger and older generations. To better understand the political competitions in contemporary Japanese politics, we analyze the relationship between ideology, partisanship, policy attitudes, and values. In addition, we investigate how political competitions are affected by newer information environments, which was driven by recent development of the internet as well as SNS and people’s patterns of contacts in mass media and the internet. In so doing, we utilize a variety of methods, including traditional public opinion polls, web surveys, mini publics, experimental methods, and SNS data analysis.


Project Organizer: Masahisa Endo

Affiliated Researchers: Airo Hino, Willy Jou

Adjunct Researchers

  • Aiji Tanaka (President of Waseda University)
  • Norihiro Mimura (Associate Professor, Musashino University)
  • Arata Yamazaki (Assistant Professor, Musashino University)

Project Period

July 1, 2019 – March 31, 2024

IASS Research Project

Research Category Principal Investigator Research Project Project Period (FY)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) Endo Masahisa Independent Voters and Political Competition in Contemporary Japan 2020-2023


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