Survey Name Public Opinion Survey on Open Society in Japan
Data Name JSS-GLOPE2003-04
SSJDA # 0582
Investigators Project on Intergenerational Equity, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University and the 21COE-GLOPE project on Constructing Open Political-Economic Systems, Graduate School of Economics, Waseda University
Panel Election Survey Date Survey
Codebook CASI
Last Updated
1st wave Conducted before
the 2003 Lower
House Election
Oct-Nov, 2003 PAPI Ver.1 --- 2011/4/7
2nd wave Conducted after
the 2003 Lower
House Election
Nov, 2003 PAPI Ver.1 --- 2011/4/7
3rd wave Conducted before
the 2004 Upper
House election
Jun-Jul, 2004 PAPI Ver.1 --- 2011/4/7
4th wave Conducted after
the 2004 Upper
House election
Jul, 2004 Postal Ver.1 --- 2011/4/7
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