Waseda Institute for Advanced Study (WIAS)早稲田大学 高等研究所


Alessandro Stanziani

a_stanziani_img01Alessandro Stanziani
HDR (Habilitation Degree to Professorship)
EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), CRH (Centre de recherches historiques): full professor
CNRS (Centre National des recherches Scientifiques), Directeur de recherche (Senior Researcher)

Research Topics

  • Russian Serdom
  • Post-slavery labour in the Indian Ocean, 19th-20th century
  • History of regulation and competition in Europe, 18th-20th centuries

Education and Academic Employment

November 1985 graduation with full marks and honour (110/110 cum laude) in economics, University of Naples.
1991 Ph.D. in Economics, Department of economics, University of Naples.
January 1995 Ph.D. in History at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, Department of History. Honours and special mention of the commette.
2003 “Habilitation à diriger des recherches” (HDR) , University of Lille, manuscript on: Food fraud and falsification in France, 1789-1914.
Academic Employment:
1994-1999 assistant professor, University of Naples
Since 1999 researcher CNRS, Paris
Since 2007 professor EHESS, Paris

Research Fields of Interest

  • Economic and Social History of Russia, 18th-20th century
  • Business history, france and Europe, 18th- early 20th century
  • Labour and Bondage in the Indian Ocean, 17th-early 20th century
  • Food History, trademarks and counterfeiting.
  • Global History, 17th -20th century

Selected Publications


  1. L’économie en révolution. Le cas russe,1870-1930, Albin Michel, “L’évolution de l’humanité”, 1998, 519 pp.
  2. Histoire de la qualité alimentaire, 18e-20e siècles, Paris, Seuil, 440 p. 2005.
  3. Rules of exchange. French capitalism in comparative perspective, 18th -20th centuries, Cambridge, Cambridge University press, 2012
  4. Bâtisseurs d’Empires. Russie, Inde et Chine à la croisée des mondes. Paris, Raison d’agir, 2012.
  5. (ed.) La qualité des produits en France XVIIIe-XXe siècles, Paris, Belin, 2003.
  6. 6. (with Martin Bruegel and Jérôme Bourdieu), Nomenclatures et classifications. Enjeux économiques et dynamiques historiques, Inra, Paris, 2003.
  7. (ed.) Dictionnaire de l’économie-droit, XVIIIe-XXe siècles, Paris, LGDJ, 321 p.
  8. with Nadine Levratto, Le capitalisme au future antérieure. Crédit et spéculation en France, XVIIIe-XXe siècles, Bruylant, 2010.
  9. Le travail contraint en Europe et en Asie, XVIe-XXe siècles, Paris, éditions de la MSH 2010.

Articles in peer-reviews journal and books’ chapters: 86 titles between 1986 and 2011. Short selection:

  1. “Génération Tchayanov: exploitation familiare, marché et développement dans la pensée de Tchelintsev, Makarov et Brutskus”, Cahiers d’économie et sociologie rurales, n.14, 1990, pp.95-116
  2. “Statisticiens, zemstvo et Etat en Russie,1880-1893”, Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique, 1991, n.4, pp.445-468.
  3. « Les statistiques des récoltes en Russie, 1905-1928″, Histoire et mesure, 1992, VII, 1/2, pp. 73-98.
  4. Le débat sur la rationalité économique en Russie,1893-1930″, Annales HSC, n.1,1996, pp.215-239.
  5. “The First World War and the Disintegration of Economic Spaces in Russia” in Judith Pallot (edit.), Transforming Peasants. Society, State, andthe Peasantry, 1861-1930, London, Mac Millan 1998, pp. 174-194.
  6. “Statistika i ekonomika mezhdu politikoi i teknokratiei” (la statistique et l’économie entre politique et technocratie), in Vlast’ i nauka, uchenye i vlast’ (Power and science, the scientiste and the power), Saint-Petersbourg, 2003, Dmitri Bulanin, pp.133-151.
  7. Wine reputation and quality controls: the origins of the AOC in 19th century France”, European journal of law and economics, 18,2, sept. 2004, p. 149-167.
  8. Der gute Wein. Über die Entstehung und Entwicklung qualitativer Normen auf den Weinmärket Frankreichs im 19. Jahrundert”, Historische anthropologie, 14,1, 2006, 68-93.
  9. Negotiating innovation in a market economy : foodstuffs and beverages adulteration in 19th century France”, Enterprise and society, 8,2, 2007, p. 375-412.
  10. Free Labor-Forced Labor : an Uncertain Boundary ? The Circulation of Economic Ideas between Russia and Europe from the 18th to the Mid-19th Century”, Kritika. Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History, 2008, 9,1, p. 1-27
  11. Serfs slaves, or wage earners ? The legal statute of labour in Russia from a comparative perspective, from the 16th to the 19th century », Journal of global history, 2008, 3, 2: 183-202.
  12. Information, quality and legal rules : wine adulteration in 19th century France », Business History, 51, 2 (2009) : 268-291
  13. The travelling Panopticon. Labor institutions and Labor practices in Russia and Britain in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries”, Comparative studies in Society and history, 51, 4, oct. 2009, pp. 715-741
  14. Labour institutions in a global perspective, from the seventeenth to the twentieth century”, International review of social history, 54 (2009), pp. 351-358
  15. Economic Information on International Markets: French Strategies in the Italian Mirror (Nineteenth–Early Twentieth Centuries)”, Enterprise and society, 11, 1 (2010), pp.26-64.
  16. Hoarding, Speculation, and the Public Order of the Market in France, end of the eighteenth century, 1914”. Law and social inquiry, 36,3 (2011):727-760.


1984 fellowship granted by the Istituto Italiano di Studi Filosofici in order to attend a cycle of seminaries supervised by Professor P. Mathias at the St. Hilda’s College, Oxford on “The First Industrial Revolution and the Process of Industrialization in Britain”
1986-7 fellow, Fondazione Einaudi, Torino. Chairman of the Scientific Board Prof. F. Venturi
1987-1990 doctoral fellowship, University of Naples
Spring semester 1991 post-doctoral fellowship, the A. Harriman Institute, Columbia University
June-December 1992 post-doctoral fellowship, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, the French Ministry of Foreign Affair
1992-3 fellow, Collegium Budapest
July-September 1995 special guest at the Russian Academy of Science
1995 (fall semester) fellow at the Harriman Institute, Columbia University
2001 Invited guest, University of Ann Harbour, Michigan
2011-12 fellow at the WIKO, Berlin.


2000-2003 Grant from the French ministry of Research, research project on “Classifications and economic categories in historical perspective”.
2003-2007 coordinator of the Research program on “Using judicial archives in economic history, 18th-20th century”
2005-2007 British-Academy, French ministry of research, program on Food policies in France and Britain, 18th-20th century (with Peter Atkins)
2009-2010 Grant from the French CNRS, research project on “Bonded labour in the Indian Ocean”.
2009-2012 participation to the international project on “The global Indian ocean from the antiquity to present days”, leaded by Gwyn Campbell, Mc Gill University, Montreal.
2012-2015 coordinator of the project: Bondage in the Indian Ocean World, 15th-20th centuries, with Mc Gill University, funded by the French ANR and the Canadian Research Fund.
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