早稲田大学における構内立入禁止の段階的解除について ~今後の方針と考え方~ Opening Waseda University Campuses: Plans and Logic



 *English version follows Japanese


早稲田大学総長 田中愛治














  • 6月1日(月)から、各キャンパスの警備員のいる門を開門しますが、入構には学生証・教職員証の提示が必要です。学生の入構可能時間は午前10時から午後4時までです。各種証明書の自動発行機は利用可能(卒業見込証明書の発行は7月1日以降)になりますが、教室、学生ラウンジ、学部・研究科の事務所にはまだ入れません。6月中旬からは徐々に規制を緩和していきたいと考えています。
  • 6月1日(月)から、早稲田ポータルオフィス(早稲田キャンパス7号館)において事前予約制による対面サービスを再開いたします。
  • 各キャンパスのその他の門の開放と、各学部・研究科の事務所の開室については、今後の感染拡大・収束の状況などを考慮しながら、段階的に進めたいと考えています。





  • 図書館の利用: 各キャンパス立入禁止の解除後も、図書館に一度に大勢の人が集まり3密の状態が生じないように、6月中旬を目標に、制限付きでの利用再開や開館を段階的に徐々に時間をかけて行う予定です。詳細は別途お知らせします。
  • 共通PC室の利用: 6月中旬を目標に、3密の状態が生じない形で、人数と時間の制限付きでの利用を認める準備を進めます。時期と詳細は別途お知らせします。
  • 研究室への入室: 教員の皆さんには原則として、在宅研究の継続をお願いします。学生の皆さんは、博士論文・修士論文ならびに9月卒業の学部生の卒業論文の作成のための実験などの目的での方を優先しますが、学生の入場数と入構時間についての制限を定めますので、時期や対象者などの詳細は別途お知らせします。




  • 学生の課外活動については、安全を確保しながら段階的に規制を緩和して活動の再開をめざしますが、詳細は学生部からのお知らせを注視してください。
  • 体育各部の活動については、安全を確保しながら段階的に規制を緩和して活動の再開をめざしますが、詳細は競技スポーツセンターからのお知らせを注視してください。
  • 保健センターの学生相談室も、6月中旬を目標に相談の受け付け開始をめざしますので、学生部からのお知らせを注視してください。
  • 2020年8月1日までは、すべてのコンパ、打ち上げなどを禁止します。
  • 学生が個々人で集まって会食すること、ことに飲み会は、当面の間、極力自粛してください




Opening Waseda University Campuses:

Plans and Logic

May 26, 2020

Dear Students, Faculty Members, and Staff,

On May 25, 2020, the Japanese Government and the Governors of Tokyo and Saitama declared an end to the State of Emergency. Waseda University has also decided to open our campuses at the same time, and to move gradually to the “new normal” from June 1, 2020 on. We know the COVID19 pandemic will continue, so I would like to remind you of Waseda University’s three missions. Firstly, we will protect the life and health of our students as well as those of our faculty members and staff to the extent possible.  Secondly, we are committed to providing students with an excellent education.  Thirdly, we will continue to conduct our research and scholarly work even under difficult conditions. These commitments preclude an immediate resumption of all of the University’s functions, but we will resume those functions step by step to ensure that each step is safe. Below I outline our policies and explain the reasons behind them.

Basic Policies

  1. Any students remaining outside of Japan or the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan Area presently Do Not have to return to the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan Area, because all the classes will be taught online in the Spring Semester and/or Spring/Summer Quarters in 2020.
  2. We will resume our normal activities gradually to avoid spreading the new corona virus. Please Do Not come to campus unless it is absolutely necessary for you to come.
  3. In order to protect you from the virus, we intend to keep our policy that all faculty members and students at Waseda should undertake research from home. We will gradually resume functions of the university gradually, as well as activities and experiments in labs, but not right away.
  4. We ask all our students to behave with self-restraint in adapting to the “new normal.”

1. Continuation of Online Education

Waseda University will complete the Spring Semester and/or Spring/Summer Quarters 2020 with online classes. The reason for this decision is as follows.  About a third of Waseda students, i.e., about 15,000 students, are from outside the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan Area, and about 4,500 international students are from outside Japan. They will not be able to move to the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan Area to attend in-person classes even after our campuses open. Therefore, we will provide online education until the end of this semester, as we are determined to “leave no one behind.”

Please be considerate of your fellow students who are in different or difficult environments, and please try to understand their needs to which we are responding.

2. Gradual Opening of our Campuses

We will gradually resume our normal activities as follows:

  1. Only the gates with security guards of our campuses will be open for students between 10:00am and 4:00pm from June 1, 2020 on. Students will be able to access vending machines for transcripts, certificates of graduation (available from July 1, 2020 on) and so on. However, you will not be able to enter class rooms, student lounges, or offices of schools or graduate schools. We are hoping to loosen those restrictions gradually by mid-June 2020, provided the conditions of COVID-19 permit us to do so.
  2. We will resume responding to students’ questions at the Waseda Portal-Office, which is located in Building No.7 on Waseda Campus, from June 1, 2020.
  3. We will open all other gates of our campuses gradually, depending on the COVID-19 situation.

*Please watch for further notice.

*For West-Waseda Campus, please consult the web-site of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering.

3. Continuation of Research

Our basic policy is to conduct research from home.

  1. Libraries: Even after opening our campuses, we will avoid crowding in the libraries by limiting the pace at which people enter to the libraries. Please watch for further notice.
  2. Common Computer Labs: We will limit the number of users and the length of period to stay in order to facilitate social distancing. Please watch for further notice.
  3. Entrance to Lab/Office for research: As we maintain social distancing policies, priority of access to libraries and labs will be given to graduate students submitting their Doctoral Dissertations or Masters Theses in Academic Year 2020, and Undergraduate students writing their senior theses for graduation in September 2020. We will gradually allow other students and faculty members to use the main Library. Please watch for further notice.

4. Resuming Student Life

As we reopen our campuses, we hold firm to the determination not to spread the new corona virus further.

  1. Students may resume student life gradually as circumstances warrant. At the same time, make sure to keep your environment safe and hygienic. Please watch for further notice.
  2. The members of varsity clubs may resume practice as restrictions are relaxed. At the same time, make sure to keep your environment safe and hygienic. Please watch for further notice.
  3. We are hoping to resume psychological counselling at the University Health Center by the mid-June.
  4. We continue to ban all parties and social events by students, students’ circles, or varsity clubs until August 1, 2020.
  5. Please refrain from holding dinner parties, particularly those with alcoholic drinks for the time being.


We all recognize the possibility that any one of us might infect our family members or friends without ourselves experiencing any symptoms.  Thank you for your utmost efforts to keep everyone safe.

We ardently look forward to seeing you in autumn!

Aiji Tanaka, President
Waseda University

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