
ReadingThis course is designed to help students handle the extensive amounts of reading they encounter in university. The goal is to help students improve reading speed and comprehension by using reading strategies, broadening vocabulary, doing timed readings, and participating in discussions on the topics of the readings. Students will read a variety of texts from different genres.ListeningThis course is designed to prepare students for academic lectures in English. Students practice using note-taking strategies to record the contents of academic lectures. The strategies include such skills as taking notes in an outline format to separate major ideas and minor details, abbreviation, and listening for large numbers.英語ⅠSpeakingThis course is designed to help students improve their English communication skills. Each class consists of one tutor and four students. The classes are divided into six levels, making them suitable both for those who have confidence in their spoken English, but wish to improve their skills further, and also those who have gained a knowledge of grammar and vocabulary through their English education up to high school, but who still lack confidence when it comes to actually speaking the language. This course aims to foster communication skills which will allow students to express themselves fluently and accurately in English in a range of situations, including classroom settings. 英語ⅠⅠAcademic WritingThis course introduces students to the basics of English academic writing. Students will begin by learning how to write a coherent paragraph and then apply the skill to writing a five-paragraph essay. They will learn how to create an effective thesis statement, topic sentences, introduction and conclusion, as well as how to organize supporting sentences logically. The course will also focus on other essential skills for academic writing, such as paraphrasing, summarizing and citation.英語Ⅲ日本語を母語とする学生のために、英語力を強化するプログラムを用意しています。入学後の第1学期、第2学期に英語で学び、考え、 表現する力を少人数クラスで徹底的にトレーニングします。「読む・聞く・話す・書く」それぞれのスキルによって習熟度別のクラスが 編成されるため、安心して個々人のレベルに合ったステップアップが可能です。グローバル化に対応した英語教育EnglishEducation17

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