
My graduate training was in syntactic theory, but I consider myself a general linguist. I am currently studying linguistic phenomena found in Mandarin Chinese, Colloquial Singapore English, and Malay. I am also interested in bilingualism, multilingualism, and the practical application of theoretical findings to language education, and I have been giving talks on these particular topics in recent years. Furthermore, I have been writing high school English textbooks for the past decade. In high school, students study things that have ready-made answers, but in university, students are encouraged to question those answers and propose their own. Hence, critical thinking is indispensable, and being original is essential to success. Let's make genuine discoveries by breaking through dogmatic barriers and cultural blinders.■ Acoustics and Auditory Phonetics■ Applied Linguistics■ English Phonetics and Phonology■ Fundamentals of Generative Syntax■ Historical Linguistics■ History of English■ Interpreting Industries of Japan■ Introduction to text mining and digital humanities■ Japanese Phonetics and Phonology■ Pragmatics and Semantics■ Sociolinguistics■ Syntax■ Word Structure and VocabularyFEATURED COURSESProfessorNAMAI, KenichiThe Communication cluster of SILS is all about linguistics, the science of language. Language is a biological matter, and as such, it is a legitimate object of scientific study. The field of linguistics concerns itself with such questions as: How do babies acquire language? How should we study a second language in school? Which is better, a bilingual program or an immersion program? Do animals have language? Can we think without language? Are the languages in the world really different from each other? How does language change over time? How can we save dying languages? Is there such a thing as perfect translation? What causes miscommunication? How is language built? In addition to core subfields of linguistics, such as phonology, syntax, and semantics, the cluster also offers courses in applied linguistics, including sociolinguistics. Come join us and have fun discovering all the intricacies of language together!MESSAGE FROM THE FACULTYIntroduction to text mining and digital humanitiesJapanese Phonetics and PhonologyWord Structure and VocabularyIntroduction to text mining and digital humanitiesJapanese Phonetics and PhonologyWord Structure and VocabularyIntroduction to text mining and digital humanitiesJapanese Phonetics and PhonologyIntroduction to text mining and digital humanitiesJapanese Phonetics and PhonologyJapanese Phonetics and PhonologyJapanese Phonetics and PhonologyPragmatics and SemanticsWord Structure and VocabularyJapanese Phonetics and PhonologyWord Structure and VocabularyWord Structure and VocabularyWord Structure and VocabularyWord Structure and VocabularyWord Structure and VocabularyWord Structure and VocabularyWord Structure and VocabularyWord Structure and VocabularyWord Structure and VocabularyWord Structure and VocabularyWord Structure and VocabularyWord Structure and VocabularyWord Structure and VocabularyWord Structure and VocabularyWord Structure and VocabularyWord Structure and VocabularyWord Structure and VocabularyWord Structure and VocabularyCommunication11

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