
FieldsAcademic七個科目群入門科目跨學科專業性中級科目高級科目高級科目132SILS最大的特色是提供非專一特定領域的通識教育。因此,您可以加入各種科目,仔細探索自己感興趣的領域。事物往往有很多面,SILS使得你有能力從不同角度加以分析 。為此,我們準備了七大科目群培養學生成為全面發展的人才。每個群組分為入門、中級和高級科目三個級別。與其很快沉浸在一個單一的領域,不如先選擇一些自己感興趣的事物並逐步朝著專業領域努力邁進。* 對所修讀的科目群數量沒有限制。* 第一學年至少要從3個科目群中選擇科目。生命、環境、物質、資訊科學I am a planetary scientist. My major research interest is to understand the origin of life and the formation of stars and planets. Students can take my lecture courses to study physics, astronomy and mathematics at SILS. I offer a variety of courses from introductory courses for non-science major students to advanced courses. I am happy to help students expand their critical thinking skills in science courses. I am really looking forward to studying with you at SILS.生命科學、生命倫理、環境科學、環境政策、地球科學、科學研究、材料科學、化學、信息科學、數理統計等思想、哲學、宗教、倫理、現代思想、日本研究、歷史、考古學等經濟、商業、經營、市場行銷、金融、會計等作為本科目群一例,可學習以下內容。作為本科目群一例,可學習以下內容。作為本科目群一例,可學習以下內容。ProfessorINABA, SatoshiProfessorHIGUCHI, Kiyohide經濟、商業學I teach Macroeconomics and International Economics and Economic Policy, and supervise a First Year Seminar IA and Advanced Seminar. What do you do in this School? Please keep in mind that the aim of SILS is not to study English, but to gain knowledge through English. Then what is this knowledge? It means the study which makes you able to explain logically and consistently any phenomena and problems around you, including human, social, and natural ones. I am looking forward to studying with you.哲學、思想、 歷史Associate ProfessorSTERENBERG, Matthew KaneIn my courses on European history, British history, and historical methods I help students develop a sense of historical awareness and perspective. I want SILS students to learn how to think historically, rather than simply memorize dates. Thinking historically involves recognizing the difference between the present and the past, understanding that past events should be viewed in the context of their time, and realizing that our world is the product of complex developments that were not inevitable.從七個不同角度挑戰世界性課題04


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