
Study Abroad ProgramsDouble Degree ProgramsExchange ProgramsStudents earn designated degrees from both Waseda and their host university when they graduate with certain requirements satisfied. Students need high-level foreign language skills as well as academic skills to complete the curriculum.Students study abroad based on exchange agreements with partner universities. Students are required to have relatively high-level language skills and can take regular academic courses with local students.WASEDA’s WorlWASEDA USA, San Francisco Oce San Francisco, CaliforniaColumbia University (USA)Dartmouth College (USA)Duke University (USA)Georgetown University (USA)Johns Hopkins University (USA)McGill University (Canada)University of British Columbia (Canada)University of California, Berkeley (USA)University of California, Los Angeles (USA)University of Chicago (USA)University of Toronto (Canada)University of Washington (USA)Yale University (USA)     and moreIbero-American University (Mexico)Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (Mexico)Ponticia Universidad Catolica de Chile (Chile)University of Campinas (Brazil)University of Chile (Chile)University of São Paulo (Brazil)     and moreNorth AmericaLatin AmericaPartnership agreements including both universityand departmental levels with 835 universitiesand institutions in 92 countries and regionsAs of August, 2018w20WASEDA UNIVERSITY Undergraduate Schools

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