早稲田-ナンヤン ダブルMBA

修了年月:2019年9月丸紅株式会社企業派遣多田 亮介さん本プログラムがダイバーシティを1つの特色として打ち出している通り、2018年度入学のMBAクラスは計25か国、88名で構成され、勤務地、職務経歴、年齢、性別、専門分野もしっかりと分散されていた為、講義内でのクラスメートとの議論はもちろん、日々の何気ない会話からも視野が広がる多くの刺激を受けることができました。特に早稲田・ナンヤン ダブルMBAの場合は、日本の文化や日本人の感性が日本企業をどのように形作り、影響を与えているのか、といった「日本企業のグローバル化」に欠かせない論点をグローバルな仲間たちと学び合うことになります。通常のビジネススクールで学べるファイナンスや会計、マーケティング、人事戦略などの知識に加え、本プログラムでは自らの価値観、人生の在り方を根本から見つめなおす貴重な機会と刺激が得られることをお約束します。シンガポールと東京で共同生活をすることで他では得られない強固な友情が築かれます。私自身、日々のビジネスシーンで互いにコミュニケーションを取り合っており、これは一生の宝物です。2030年のアジア経済を担う次世代リーダー達から受ける強烈な刺激Broadening career horizonsI was very surprised by the quantity and quality of guest speaker sessionsincluded in this program. The sessions were insightful, allowing participants to interact with managements and see things from dierent perspectives.The attractivenes of the program are the diversity of the participants and the opportunity for culture immersion in Japan and Singapore. Having classmates coming from different cultures and backgrounds made for a truly international and exciting environment that fostered friendly competition and learning from each other. Most importantly, to make friends and build networks at Waseda, there are “Circles” for all MBA participants who are working or interested in the same industry. The system provides a platform for industry messaging and network exchange that can be helpful for those who are looking for jobs in Japan.What I have learned and gained from this program will broaden my career horizons and continue to bring changes and surprises to my life.修了年月:2018年9月 出身:台湾HSU, NingChallenging as the rst student from Latin AmericaAs the first student joining this program from Latin America, I had the expectation of becoming one of the rst few people in the region who could understand Asian culture and how businesses are made there. This program allowed me to come into contact with cultures I was never exposed to. It was interesting how much interaction I had to have with my classmates have dierent beliefs, languages, and backgrounds. To discover how Latin Americans are perceived abroad was also surprising. I could strongly commit to building the soft skills needed in the business world to approach organizational problems. The best two gifts from this program were the building of a network that will last forever and my switching of industries after nishing the program to a cybersecurity firm as Chief Marketing Ocer.修了年月:2018年9月 出身:コロンビアMaria Clara TamayoDouble MBAWASEDANANYANG

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