Sport Sciences

The master’s program with a specialization of sport management focuses on the effective management of sport organizations such as national and international sport governing bodies, professional sports leagues, teams, clubs, and so on. Students will acquire the basic principles and comprehensive knowledge on various management elements related to sport such as Sport management, Sport marketing, Sport governance and policy, Sport nance and economics, and Managing modern Olympics and Paralympics. They will also take courses including Sport in society, Global development of the sport industry, and Sociological studies of sports mega-events, to appreciate the background of sports in Japan, Asia and the World. From these academic viewpoints, our students will analyze sport phenomena and conduct their own academic as well as practical research projects and submitting a master’s thesis are required for completing the master’s degree program. With the completion of required coursework and research, our graduates will pursue career opportunities as managers and/or marketers in all kinds of organizations in the sport industry, including professional sport leagues and teams, sport governing bodies, sport tourism industries, tness sport industries, sports media industries, sporting goods merchandising, and sport marketing divisions in the major companies all over the world.Sport ManagementSubjectsSport ManagementProfessorHARADA, MunehikoSport MarketingProfessorMATSUOKA, HirotakaMaster’s Thesis AdvisorsSpecializationQualicationNameSport Management (Seminar 1•2)Contemporary Issues in SportsFundamentals of Sport ManagementGlobal Development of the Sport IndustryHistorical Foundations of Modern SportManaging the Olympic and Paralympic GamesQualitative Research in Sport ManagementResearch in Sport ManagementSociological Studies of Sports Mega-EventsSport Communication and PromotionSport Consumer PsychologySport Facility and Event ManagementSport Finance and EconomicsSport Governance and PolicySport in SocietySport MarketingSports and New MediaTheory and Practice of Global Sport ManagementWriting Research Papers in the Social Sciences*Please note that these subjects are subject to change.LI, JushaGraduated from Beijing Sport University (China)Entered in September 2018 (Sport Management)Graduate School of Sport Sciences?I like the teaching-model of our project very much. The tutorial system ensures that every student will follow a professor, who will guide your thesis and make suggestions for your graduation thesis, which is very important for graduate students. My program also has some exchange programs. I participated in one of the exchange programs and transferred to the Germany Sport University of Cologne. During my stay in Germany, the Waseda GSSS, my professor and peers all gave me a lot of support, so I can study and live in GSU without any worries. This is an incredible experience for me !

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