
より実践的なコミュニケーション・スキルの習得を目的とする。Offering the opportunity to acquire and develop communication and other practical skills.Related Courses関連科目1年次においては学術研究の基礎を、 2年次においては修士論文の作成に 必要な専門知識と方法論を習得する。Year 1: Learning the basics of academic research.Year 2: Acquiring the knowledge and methodology necessary to write the master's thesis.Directed Research /Seminar研究指導/演習各スタディープランを学ぶにあたり必要な理論的基礎に関する共通の科目群。Courses laying the theoretical foundations necessary for each Study Plan.Basic Courses基礎科目各スタディープランにおける専門的知識の習得と理解を目的とする。Mastering the specialist knowledge relevant to each Study Plan.Specialized Courses専門科目修士(国際コミュニケーション学)Master of Arts in International Culture and Communication Studies通訳指導を通じ、異文化間コミュニケーションの仕組みを実践的に理解することを目的とする。Understanding cross-cultural communication via training in the techniques of interpretation.翻訳の仕組みを理論・実践の双方から理解し、翻訳が担う社会・歴史的意義を考察する。Theoretical and practical understanding of translation methods seen in social and historical contexts.世界共通語となりつつある英語をモデルに、第二言語習得がもつ意味と意義を実践と理論の双方から理解し、社会におけるバイリンガリズム実践の可能性を研究する。Studying both the theory and practice of second language acquisition in a world where English is rapidly becoming the common language and bilingualism is an increasingly common social phenomenon.実社会におけるコミュニケーションの仕組みをより実践的な環境のなかで学び、考察する。Learning the techniques of effective communication appropriate for specic situations of public life.国際的な舞台で論文を発表するにあたり不可欠な論文作法を習得する。Learning how to produce scholarly written work appropriate for an international audience.Research MethodsThesis WritingCommunication DesignGlobalization and International Communication Second Language: Concepts, Issues and ResearchSecond Language: Learning Processes and Teaching ProceduresSecond Language Teaching and LearningEnglish Language Teaching to Speakers of Other LanguagesTranslation StudiesText AnalysisTranslation PracticesIntroduction to InterpretingIntermediate InterpretingAdvanced Interpreting⒈ Interpreting通訳⒉ Translation翻訳⒊ Studies in Second Language第二言語習得⒋ Public Communicationsパブリック・コミュニケーション⒌ Academic Writingアカデミック・ライティングCurriculum 基本カリキュラムStudy Plan: Language & CommunicationLanguage Change / Language and Society / Language Use /Human Information Processing / Speech Information Processing /Language Policy and Language Planning / Structure of Language / Language and MindStudy Plan: Culture & CommunicationGlobal Cultures / Gender and Sexuality / Race and Ethnicity /Communication and Citizenship / Transcultural Dialogue / Cultural Critical Theories 2 /Special Topic in Culture and Communication / Special Topic in Culture and MediaStudy Plan: Society & CommunicationEconomy and Communication / International Relations / Interpersonal Communication / Science Communication / Legal Communications / Diversity Studies 2 / Communication Design / Social Psychological Approaches to Conict Resolution / Special Topic in Society and Communication / International Cooperation and PeacebuildingLanguage and CommunicationSecond Language StudiesCulture and CommunicationMedia and Cultural StudiesTheories of Media, Culture, and CommunicationCulture and PoliticsSocial Studies and CommunicationLecture Courses 講義科目 WASEDA UNIVERSITY | GSICCS55


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