
13 当研究科では次の各段階に応じた計画的な修士論文指導体制を整えています。2.修士論文指導Master’s Thesis GuidanceWe have a well-planned Master’s Thesis Guidance Program. The Program progresses through the following four steps.(1) Apply to a research supervisorEach student is assigned a research supervisor at the end of the rst semester of their rst academic year.(1)指導教員決定1年次の前期に、指導教員を決定します。(2) Decide a research topicResearch Guidance starts from the second semester of the rst year. Students receive guidance at this early stage on how to select appropriate research topics and on the research methods used in previous studies.(2)研究テーマ決定1年次の後期より、研究指導が開始し、早い段階から適切なテーマ設定や先行研究のリサーチ方法について指導が行われます。(3) Create a research planAbout six months prior to completing their thesis, the research framework and source materials of the student’s Master’s thesis is looked at in detail, and the student presents his or her Master’s thesis research plan. This is an opportunity for students to receive advice from multiple research supervisors. Students also decide on a thesis theme at this time.(3)研究計画作成論文完成まで6か月程度となる時期に、修士論文の構成や参考文献を具体的に検討し、論文執筆に向けての研究計画書をまとめていく段階での各自の研究計画を作成します。内容について、複数の指導教員からのアドバイスを受ける機会となります。研究計画作成により、論文のテーマを決定します。(4) Submit the completed Master’s thesisBy the time students submit a Notication for Planned Submission of the Master’s Thesis, they make nal decision about the type of thesis, title, and language. At this stage, students report to their advisors about their progress as a way to assure their steady progress toward submitting their thesis. A review at this stage of the framework and other aspects of the thesis gives the student an opportunity to polish its accuracy and make any necessary revisions.(4)論文提出直前期修士論文提出予定届の提出時には、修士論文の種類や題目、言語を確定します。また、この時点での論文執筆経過の進捗を確認します。論文構成その他の見直しもこの時期に行うことで、論文の精度の向上やテーマ等の軌道修正にも対応できます。修士論文は、以下の点を考慮し審査する。1.研究課題が経済学における学術的意義を有すること。2.研究内容の学術的な位置づけが明確であること。3.研究結果が論理的整合性を兼ね備えていること。4.論文が本研究科の求める学術的作法に従っていること。5.修得した分析技術が論文へ適切に反映されていること。6.口頭試問において、簡潔明瞭にプレゼンテーションができ、質疑へ的確に応答できること。修士論文審査基準Evaluation Criteria for Master’s ThesisMaster’s theses will be evaluated with the following criteria considered.1. The research question must have academic signicance within the eld of economics.2. How the research ts into the wider eld academically must be clear.3. The research ndings must exhibit logical consistency.4. The thesis must follow the academic practices required by the GSE.5. The analytical techniques that the candidate has mastered must be adequately applied within the thesis.6. During the oral evaluation, the candidate must be able to provide a clear and concise presentation and to respond to the Examiners’ questions with precision.

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