
早稲田大学大学院 経済学研究科 / Graduate School of Economics, Waseda University12Statistics andEconometrics統計・計量分析6つの研究領域Six ResearchAreasInternationalEconomy国際経済PublicPolicy公共政策EconomicPolicy経済政策EconomicHistory経済史EconomicTheory経済理論 本研究科は、修士課程修了時には身につけていてほしい知識を必修科目と定め、その充実を図っています。専門分野やコースごとに一部履修ルールの違いはありますが、経済学修士号の前提となる知識の柱を次のように定めています。「経済学コース」では主にミクロ経済学・マクロ経済学に加え、経済データ分析のための統計・計量科目の3科目を必修とすることで近代経済学の核となる理論を学び、また経済学を修めた高度専門職業人に求められるデータ分析能力を高めます。経済学コースの中でも「経済史研究領域」においては、独自の経済史方法論が選択必修科目と位置づけられ、多様な経済史分析手法の理解を目指します。 また、「国際政治経済学コース」では、経済学の上記3科目に加えて、政治学方法論科目の2科目をあわせた5科目を必修とし、本研究科の中で現在最もコースワークの充実が図られているカリキュラムです。カリキュラムGSE continues to improve the compulsory courses that are designed to provide students with the knowledge they need to complete their Master’s degree. Although there are some differences depending on eld of specialization and course, the compulsory courses of the Master’s Degree in Economics Program is organized as follows.The Economics Course includes three compulsory courses designed to teach students the core concepts of modern economics. Students are required to take one course each in the areas of Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Statistics and Econometrics, the last designed to deepen the understanding of Economic Data Analysis and polish the analysis skills that highly qualied professionals with economics degrees need. The Economic History Research Field of the Economics Course is unique for deepening students’ understanding of the wide range of methodologies applied to research on economic history by including Methodology of Economic History as a compulsory course.The Global Political Economy Course has made the most effort among all the courses to improve its coursework with the addition of two political science methodology courses to go along with the three economics courses described above, for a total of ve compulsory courses.Curriculum1.必修科目を通じたコースワークの充実Well-developed Coursework Based on Compulsory Courses


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